About Get-A-Yes
getayes.com provides our customers with a simple and secure system to obtain an auto loan. With over 97% of the applications approved, we have lots of very satisfied customers. When your application is approved we immediately send your loan application to a dealership in your area. Then all you have to do is go to the dealership, pick out the car of your choice and drive away in your brand new car. Our goal is to take the pressure and hassle of obtaining financing and make the process as simple as possible.
About getayes.com
getayes.com - What We Do
getayes.com is in the auto loan business. It does not matter if you have good credit, bad credit, or even a bankruptcy, getayes.com will help everyone obtain an auto loan. Through our network of lending partners, we are able to get your auto loan application to loan specialists throughout the country. We are considered experts in the auto loan business and we will get you a loan where others have failed, and at a low percentage rate.
Our nationwide lenders offer competitive rates and the online auto loan application is easy to complete and only takes a couple of minutes. It's true; you can apply for auto loans or auto refinancing online with absolutely no obligation.
Your secure application will be instantly forwarded to our office where auto loan experts will process your application and do everything possible to get your application quickly approved. We are delighted that you chose us to get you a low interest loan. We will work hard for you and provide you with great service.
getayes.com - Who We Are
Because of our success, getayes.com has been considered by those in the business as one of the Internet's top rated online auto loan service. Some of our loan specialists at getayes.com have been helping people obtain auto financing since 1989. getayes.com provides our customers with a simple and secure system to obtain an auto loan. With over 97% of the applications approved, we have lots of very satisfied customers. When your application is approved we immediately send your loan application to a dealership in your area. Then all you have to do is go to the dealership, pick out the car of your choice and drive away in your brand new car. Our goal is to take the pressure and hassle of obtaining financing and make the process as simple as possible.
We are delighted to continue to help customers on a nationwide basis. Our success is your success; so we have a vested interest in getting you approved and behind the wheel of your new car.